삼서생 [556965] · MS 2015 · 쪽지

2015-10-30 20:29:47
조회수 829

영어 인수1 나올만한 지문&빈칸예상

게시글 주소: https://m.orbi.kr/0006715653

오늘 날씨가 너무 추워서 집에서 인수 정리좀 햇는데 도움이 될까 하여 올려봅니당 ㅎ 특히 사랑하는 95분들이 도움받아서 올해는 다같이 대학으로 고고씽하길 기원하며ㅠ

1강 4번 : The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on.

2강 1번 : grapple with the world to change the brain, not just sit back passively watching.

3강 2번 : sequential beings, not simultaneous

7강 5번 : a symbol not only of civilization but of the very identity of man

8강 3번 : inevitably outweigh the trouble caused by the worm itself/better off giving in to the reality that the worm is present an learning to tolerate it./reserve the body's energy to fight

8강 5번 : let others be their guide for how to live/the mentality of the herd

10강 4번 : deliberately depart from randomization/the elaborate strategies do not give any  persistent advantage.

11강 2번 : need my daily quota of solitude

11강 4번 : the fact that it pointed somewhere did not register as being relevant/like a meaningless consonant or vowel

11강 6번 : far away from the apparent domain of the problem/marginal

12강 3번 : reflections of this idea or form of the triangle

13강 1번 : not derive from food, but wa produced by the body.

13강 2번 : a product of the external as well as of the internal

16강 6번 : opted for the simpler, default of not granting parole.

17강 3-4 : step back for a moment and see possibilities in a wider view./lose possession not only of your unbrella but of your perspective.

17강 5-6 : by striving to equal a competitor one knows one can never be equal to or surpass

19강 14 : the possibility that some force outside the object might be relevant.

20강 24-25 : express our hostility without revealing our identities/Anonimity/become  a repository of our collective moral toxins/inevitably causing a relaxing of standards in the offline

영타가 느려서 시간이 꽤 걸리네요 ㅠ..그래도 복습된 듯 ㅋㅋ최대한 추리고 추렷어요!

반응 좋으면 나머지도 해볼게요 ㅎ

도움이 되셧다면 좋아요! 

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