좀더 깊게 알아야 할 'B와 C' 핵심 수능단어 [논스탑색시케빈]
게시글 주소: https://m.orbi.kr/0007872516
오르비는 저 처럼 40대가 접근하기에 적절하지 않은 공간인가? 한번 생각해 봤어요 ㅋ
혹 제가 이렇게 올리는 글이 여기서 재밌게 놀고 있는 오르비언들에게 약간 심정적 불편함을 주는건가? 뭐 이런...
근데 생각해보니 저에겐 매우 흥미로운 공간이거든요 이곳이^^ 전 여러분을 알고 싶고 함께 하고 싶은 마음이 있어서 ㅋ
아마 제가 20대 후반이나 삼십대 초반의 칼럼니스트들 만큼 여러분들의 감성을 '땡기지'는 못하겠지만 오르비의 다양성엔 기여할 거란 생각을 했어요. 결론 계속 칼럼을 쓰기로!
자 이번에 제가 선정한 애매모호하지만 꼭 염두해 두어야 할 단어를 영영사전식으로 정리해 봤어요^^. 이건 제 조교들이 한게 아니고 제가 직접한거예요^^ 하루 이틀 짧게 여러번 보시고 자기걸루 만들어 보시면 큰 도움될듯해요 ㅎ
꼭 암기해야 할 단어 volume Ⅰ A로 시작하는 단어 중에 케빈이 선정 어휘들.
- Abolish: end or destroy customs practices and institutions completely
- Extinguish: put out a fire or break down
- Academic: without practical application and of no immediate relevance
- scholarly: of serious academic study or engaged in university research
- scholar: a learned person or the holder of a scholarship
- Achieve: reach an objective or standard, especially over a period of time
- Accomplice: reach an objective or standard, especially over a period of time successfully
- Attain: reach a certain standard; ‘She attained the highest grades in her final exams.’
- Acknowledge: confirm that something has been received; ‘the company sent me a letter acknowledging my complaint’/ recognize or accept a truth
- Admit: accept responsibility
- Acute: of a sudden illness or a very serious occurrence; acute pain
- Chronic: of a serious medical or other condition that persists for a long time
- Adjacent: close to or nearby
- Adjoining: next to
- Adjourn: break off a meeting that has started cancel, adjourn to 장소= move somewhere else
- Postpone: reschedule an event or meeting that has not yet started.
- Defer: delay making a judgement or decision
- Rain check: be discussed or decided later;
‘a. Will you go to the movies with me?
b. I have a plan at night. If it’s ok, I wil have a rain check.‘
- Agree: have the same opinion
- Approve: accept someone else’s propasal or actions as being satisfactory
- Consent: permission or agreement to do something
- Accede: accede to something = agree or consent
- Amiable: To describe people and expressions that appear friendly
- Amicable: To describe an agreement or a friendly relationship;
‘ The children and the teacher got on well together. It was an amicable class’
- Angry about: Having strong feelings of irritation about an issue or situation.
- Angry with: Having strong feelings or irritation about a person or group of people.
- Anticipate: to act or make a decision, in the belief that some other action will take place.
- expect: to believe that something will happen in the future.
- look forward to: to expect something in the future with pleasure.
- hope: to wait a particular event to happen.
- Anxious: being worried or nervous about a particular matter.
- Concerned: being worried or nervous about something
- Ascent: physical movement upwards with effort or by climbing.
- Assent: agreement or giving agreement to something
- Assure: to be certain and convinced.
- Ensure: to make sure or certain.
- Insure:
a. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
b. take out insurance for (보험을 들다.)
- Secure:
a. as a verb, to obtain something as a result of effort.
b. as an adjective, to be safe.
- Authentic: to mean that something is true to life and reliable.
- genuine: to emphasize that something is an original.
- Average:
a. as a noun, to mean the division of the total by the number of units; 3 plus 6 plus 12 equals 21, 21 divided by 3 equals 7. Thus 7 is the average of 3,6 and 12.
b. as adjective, to mean a person who does not demonstrate any special skill or talent.
- Mean:
a. as a noun, to mean the figure halfway between the highest and lowest.
b. as a adjective, to describe someone who is not generous with money or feelings; ‘ He was very mean, even though he was very wealthy’
- Mediocre:
a. of only ordinary, commonplace
b. poor, inferior
- Avoid: to keep away from something.
- Evade: to escape from something by deception; ‘He evaded the tax authorities for years, but was finally imprisoned’
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좋은 글 ㅡ감사합니다
고마워요^^ 황금의 눈이군요 ㅋ